Saturday 28 May 2011

Beginning of a Great Journey

 Hello everyone. Finally the Frozzies around Ozzy blog is up. Frozzies stands for a French (me!) and an Australian (Pete). We will post regular update of our progression around this beautiful country. I hope you will enjoy.
Our Rig

Leaving our loved ones with many tears we have set off for the trip around Oz on the 11th of may. We were both anxious and excited but most of all glad our truck could pull the loaded up Camper Trailer. First stop at the petrol station, filling the 240L tank took forever and cost us an arm and a leg! Then a quick stop to visit the grandparents and celebrate our recent engagement with them. We finally got to Noosa River Caravan Park and starting the task to set up camp for the first time. It took us 1h30!! Hum, going to have to improve that. Noosa is absolutely gorgeous and the caravan park offers great sunset over the river. The first night we decided to reward our efforts with a nice seafood buffet at Cato’s on Hasting street (pretty posh area!!). To quote Pete “it is absolutely fucking fabulous” and he managed to eat more oysters than we both thought possible!!
Sunset on the bay of Noosa

Noosa view

Next stop the town of 1770. What we thought would be a short drive took us about 5 hours. Our beloved truck is struggling to pull our precious cargo (ok maybe I have taken too many things…). We are now at the Agnes water beach caravan park, it is absolutely lovely. And it took us only 45 min to set up the camp this time. Nailed it!

Our new home

A bit of history for those who don’t know: the town of 1770 is named after the date Captain Cook landed (his second stop in Australia after Botany Bay), in may 1770. So we have arrived here right on time to see the replica of the Endeavour (Cook’s ship) anchored for 24hours in Bustard Bay (1770’s bay) and for this week end festival celebrating the anniversary with a reenactment of his landing as well as rides, food and other amusements.
Cptn Cook's landing
The Endeavour

Apart from these historical entertainments our time is spend chilling on the beach (that’s me mostly), surfing and fishing (that’s Pete of course) and visiting the area. We have finally taken the truck 4WDriving on a sandy track in Deepwater national park and managed to get lost trying to get back through the countryside. Although this was mainly the fault of the GPS (named Roxy, so when she fails miserably we can yell: ROOOOOOOOOXANE!!!!) which took us on 2 consecutive 30 km dead end road. We have learned the lesson: keep Roxy for towns and big roads.
only us during a walk along a beautiful coastline

Pete planking

I know what I’m about to say is too much information for some of you so for those ones just jump to the next paragraph ;-) but the ones who are considering travelling in a camper trailer, you should consider an important detail: sex in the trailer is NOT discreet: squeak squeak squeak with the all thing shaking… hum… why is everyone laughing at us in the morning?
unfortunately nothing big enough for dinner
Very unique a sunset on the ocean on the east coast

We have met a great group of people, from Australia and England, most of them touring the country like us and we all meet at 4pm for an aperitif. Between all of us we had a representative of each decade of age from the 20’s to the 70’s!!
the gang


Pete has managed to organize a poker game and both of us lost!!
look how concentrated they are listening
 to Pete's explanations!!

We have also been convinced (it didn’t take much persuasion) to stay longer to watch the State of Origin with every one. For the frenchies it is one of the big game-events of Rugby League (like the rugby we know but a little different) opposing New South Wales to Queensland. Most of us were supporters of NSW against 2 for Queensland and of course as most of you know, NSW lost, again. But it was all good fun being with everyone. I must say though I like soccer better.

With all this we’ve ended staying 12 days in Agnes water and it is time to leave. Even though it is not easy saying goodbye to our new found friends. We are most likely going to see some of them on the road along the way though.

Next stop Yeppoon.