Wednesday 8 June 2011

Bowen - Mission Beach

Bowen (1hour north of Airlie Beach)

Arriving in Bowen we stopped at the Information centre which happened to also be the location of the Big Mango. I have a thing about the BIG things (note for the frenchies: some towns in Australia display proudly their main activity or feature in the form of a big representation of it, in the town center) and I always bug Pete to stop in front of them so I can take a picture. He doesn’t always stop… sometimes he tells me after that it was on the other side of the road and I missed it but it wasn’t worth it. Ok I admit it is not easy to park while towing the trailer. 

The big Mango
In Bowen, we stayed at Harbour Lights Caravan Park with our friends Kev &Di and Kim & Graeme (and Jess, their rottie) and of course, with pleasure our 4pm drinkies session. This time it ran a bit late and we actually got told off buy the guy in the next caravan. We blamed Kim who was laughing too loud. Anyway we were drunk enough by then, time for bed. 

The gang having coffee overlooking
 one of Bowen stunning views
Bowen has the reputation of being a shithole. Now, that’s not fair. While the town in itself has no particular interest, the place offers absolutely stunning views on the islands across and had a series of gorgeous beaches around its headland. Horseshoe bay offers white sand and crystal clear water surrounded by big boulders that Pete enjoyed climbing very much. Too bad they get stingers over summer, it must be absolute torture to look at the water here without being able to swim.
That evening we had our second poker game with the gang and long behold, this time we kicked their ass! They immediately thought that we had lost the last time, only to drag them into it! But most surprising of all, I almost beat Pete!! He won in the end though. Bastard. 

Horseshoe Bay

After this stop, no more crossing path with Kev and Di for a while, we are going to miss them. But we are still hoping to catch up with Kim and Graeme in the Far North. So next stop: Kurrimine Beach, a little town just north of Mission Beach that has been duly recommended by a couple of people. The journey took us 5 hours and was quite boring really, apart from the occasional pretty hills suddenly arising out of an otherwise flat land.
Mission beach (1.30h south of Cairns)
The area of Mission Beach has been quite destroyed by the cyclone Yasi last February and the after effect is still quite visible: houses missing roofs or walls, fallen trees messy shoreline. It is still a pretty area but a lot of businesses and NP walks are closed. 

Mission beach
fallen rainforest trees

However one of the most famous attractions of the area is still open: the Paronella Park. It was made by a Spanish immigrant in the 30’s whose dream was to build a castle like the ones from his childhood memories of Catalonia. He did so next to the Mena Falls, 30 km inland from Innisfail. The result is a quaint looking castle with a ballroom, a theatre, tennis courts, and surrounded by 7000 exotic rainforest trees from around the world. He used the waterfall as a hydroelectric source of power and therefore became the first in the state with electricity throughout the castle. And an ice-cream machine! Which made the place very popular indeed. Although a lot had been destroyed following series of floods, cyclones and 15 years of complete abandonment, it still makes for an entertaining visit, strolling the rainforest-lined alleyways and imagining the life back then. 

Kauri avenue

feeding the eels


Next stop Cairns. From then I have to go to Sydney for 24hours to get my passport renewed (pain in the ass). And most important: it is the last stop to set up our rig properly before the long drive to Cape York. We are finally going to be 4-wheel-driving for real!!!!!

PS: I know the pictures often look oddly placed but blame blogspot! it is a bitch to place the photos! if anyone has tips, they are welcome.

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